
E-mining: Precious Metals in E-waste

E-mining and Precious Metals Recycling Every year billions of dollars’ worth of precious metals such as gold and platinum are dumped into a mountain of electronic waste (e-waste) that continues to grow. E-mining is the process of recovering some of these precious metals. In 2019 alone a record-breaking 54 million tons of e-waste was generated across the globe and only 17% was recycled. E-waste comprises precious metals like gold, copper, silver, and palladium found in electronic devices like computers, phones, modems, and more and it is growing three times faster than the earth’s population. Why Electronics Recycling is Important It is critically important to recycle electronics to reduce landfill, divert electronic waste, and eliminate toxic scrap, and they represent almost 70% of toxic waste. E-mining delivers a substantially richer resource than extracting virgin material from ore. Each year, over 7,500 tons of silver and more than 320 tons of gold are used to make electr

HIPAA Violations: Best Practice on How to Avoid Them

What is HIPAA Compliance? Unless you’re a small business that doesn’t offer health insurance, to avoid potential HIPAA violations you have to abide by the rules and regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). This legislation put in place certain standards to protect employees’ medical information, help make healthcare administration simpler, prevent healthcare fraud and allow employees to keep their coverage between jobs. Due to the importance of keeping protected health information (PHI) for your patients and employees, it’s imperative for your organization to put safeguards and electronic protection measures in place to prevent HIPAA violations. Avoiding HIPAA Violations As information becomes increasingly accessible and cyberattacks become more sophisticated in this digital age, the need for effective electronic protection and HIPAA safeguards has never been greater. In light of this widespread digitization, an increasingly co

E-Waste Recycling and Reuse Service Market 2021

The Evolving Sales and Marketing Landscape, Economic Impact Analysis by Manufacturers E-Waste Recycling and Reuse Service Market Report 2020 includes a total amalgamation of evaluable trends and forecast analysis. This E-Waste Recycling and Reuse Service analysis provides an approach for a large number of customers. In order to successfully obtain and study worldwide recognized global E-Waste Recycling and Reuse Service market data resources with a variety of practices and tools, additional efforts have been received to call our recognized group of analysts, researchers and consultants into the global arena. The E-Waste Recycling and Reuse Service report states that it is essential for organizations in the global industry to maintain the most innovative and very consistent statistics in a competitive field. The report introduces E-Waste Recycling and Reuse Service basics: definitions, categories, software, and market reviews; Product Features; Manufacturing process; Cost arra

E-Waste Recycling Tips for Small Businesses

In today’s day and age, everyone is trying to figure out how to save the environment. One of the biggest ways that both people and companies are trying to do that is by minimalizing the waste that they produce. Of course, you’re not one to shy away from a challenge; in fact, your business has done well over the last few years by working hard to reduce your amount of waste to make the world a better place. That said, you’ve only taken care of general waste, but have you ever heard of e-waste disposal? Whenever you junk your old computers or incorrectly toss out unneeded disk storage, you’re actually creating electronic waste each time. You need to carry out electronics recycling properly to make sure you don’t end up creating even more hazardous waste. Luckily, there are ways that you can be savvy when it comes to electronic waste recycling. This article goes over some of the ways that you can work on electronics recycling and help your business to become a leader in reducing e-

Upcycling Electronics Instead of Recycling

In a society where we regularly change gadgets and electronics as new electronics debut in the market, we end up generating a lot of e-waste that needs to be recycled or disposed of ethically. Electronic items that are salvageable are usually repaired and refurbished for reuse, while those beyond repair are dismantled and their data destroyed before recycling to harvest their components and valuable metals. Recycling of waste is a familiar concept to everyone, but what about upcycling electronics? This is a process where old products are turned into reusable items or materials. With a little ingenuity, end of life items can be repurposed to create new products. Often these will be the result of upcycling craft ideas in the home. Why are Upcycling and Recycling so Important? We all contribute to some form of e-waste, whether it is replacing an old laptop with a new one or buying a new smartphone every few years and discarding the old one. All too often these redundant electron

E-waste: What Popular Devices Does That Include?

E-waste Causes and Effects E-waste is an informal name referring to electronic waste generated from discarded digital devices. Laptops, computer towers, tablets, TVs and cell phones account for over 75 percent of global e-waste. In 2010, worldwide electronic waste amounted to nearly 34 million metric tons. In 2019, that number climbed to over 53 million metric tons . Unfortunately, less than 18 percent of this e-waste was properly disposed of and recycled. When the effects of e-waste on human health are more widely understood, people will take a more responsible attitude towards recycling old electronic devices. If It Runs on Electricity, Recycle It! Technically, any appliance requiring electricity to operate can be described as e-waste but it is more commonly thought of as electronic devices rather than household white goods and appliances such as refrigerators, dishwashers, stoves, and coffee makers. Generally, electronic waste refers to computers, televisions, laptops, ph

What Does it Mean to Degauss a Hard Drive?

Computers, with the help of the internet, provide access to a lot of information about people, places, and things, and this access works both ways. The information you save on your hard drive can be accessed and viewed by other people—that is why degaussing a hard drive is so important. Here’s more information about degaussing your hard drive and its benefits. What Does It Mean to Degauss A Hard Drive? When you degauss a hard drive, you are completely erasing the drive, which destroys all the data. Using a degausser, the device used to erase a hard drive, the information on the drive can’t be recovered. Degaussing is the process of using a powerful magnetic force to destroy the digital patterns on the drive thereby permanently erasing the data. What Are the Benefits of Degaussing A Hard Drive? Degaussing a hard drive: Reduces risk Saves money Saves time Guarantees protection Reduces risk Degaussing a hard drive erases all confidential information, such as company emai